Week Five- Reading Week

This reading thing that what said was “Everything has a form” this quote stood out to me straight away and got me thinking about it straight away. For me when choreographing I just choreography lots of different phrases and then eventually the form happens and the work then just fits in together so for me there is some sort of form when choreographing, when improvising it’s a lot harder the form is thee because movements lead into one another and should just come natural as to what to do next whether it’s to go down into the floor or stay up and travel. This particular quote stood out so much as well as the part where she talks about “chaos” improvisation is very chaotic personally I think but like I said earlier finding a form and letting each movement glide in to each other you find what she calls a “pathway” in the middle of it which is the form. All though chaos is very frantic and can see to be very chaotic there it is a type of form because you find that pathway and allow the form to come together as the improvising carries on. From this first quote I found out and reflecting on my own improvising’s that I use this form and improvising came to be very clear that not always everything is set out in a line there can we twist and turns but still have some sort of form.


Week Four


This was a lot about space and time, I didn’t realise that space was such an important part of improvisation I learnt that it’s not just a place you can dance in you can use this with improvisation and that everything around you, you can use this to include with in dance and how you can see it to guide and help movement quality and also us it to  help no to your habitual moments.

The space is so important I found out we should admire where we are dancing and how we are using the space , the walls and how we can use these, and also specially each other and how using each other in the space to create contact improvisation this was very much about our own bodies and the exploration of our bodies with in the space. For example we did an exercise  were we were told to go into the space and use this space floors and each other and just improvise.

Week 3

This was only my second time in dance improvisation and of course I couldn’t participate in my first one  and couldn’t participate in this one due to injury so everything I write again will be visual aspects and what I have seen the other dancers perform and also a bit about the reading and how you use the reading to put into your movement aspects.
This session was all about intention, attention and awareness. what your intention is but where your attention is and how you are aware of this. The main practice task that was given was 3 up 2 down which required 5 dancers to stand in line and of course three dancers would have to be stood up right and two must always be down. this really reflects on the main focus of the readings. you had toffee when there was 3 dancers stood up and 2 bent you had feel the awareness of the other people surrounding you and have your attention on your intention which was to make sure there was 3 dancers stood and 2 bent. This exercises was developed into 3 running forwarded 2 always running backwards as well.

Week 2

This was my first week of improvisation, I went in with no expectation’s and I honestly thought we would be left to creative task and dancing around the space a lot more but in this case it wasn’t that, although I couldn’t dance due to injury the lesson was still pleasant. There was many individual exercises and then also group work as well, nothing was set we was to improvise movement wise but the task weren’t very dance based.

-Awareness of the body with out being sight specific(eyes closed) using sound and feeling to help generate sound by yourself and one another. (creating boundaries)

-Improv of different body parts i.e. (feet going up head going down, arms like icicles and legs like spaghetti ) Exploring different levels, different ways of doing movement on different levels speed. Exploring movement when the body becomes restricted. Exploring the out of the ordinary and falling away from your own habits.

Bending vs standing-

Awareness of others, audiences prospective how I could see there intentions by looking at them, how you could see on their faces what they were going to do and there hesitant, some of the dancers said they took orders in a way from audience members faces as they could tell there wasn’t three forward and two backwards,

The main reading was focused on Debroah hay which was focused on intention, attention and awareness. (What your intention is, but your attention is somewhere else but your aware of this).